If you are an existing patient and are sick or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you currently will not be seen inside of clinic. Please contact your primary care doctor. If you do not have a primary care doctor, please CALL or TEXT us at 903-957-0275. We can schedule a televisit to help! For more information, visit our TELEVISIT page.
We do not have the COVID vaccine but suggest you contact your local health department OR a local pharmacy to obtain the vaccination(s).
what should i do if i am sick?
What should I do if I am sick?
Stay at home. Most patients have mild to moderate symptoms and will not require a hospital visit.
Isolate yourself from other family members.
Contact your healthcare provider by calling their office.
Avoid public transportation or riding in a vehicle with someone else.
Cover your coughs and sneezes.
Wash hands frequently with soap & water or at least 60% alcohol hand sanitizer.
Monitor your symptoms and stay in touch with your healthcare provider.
Learn more by visiting the CDC page here.

when should i seek medical attention?
If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately. Some of the signs include:
trouble breathing or significant shortness of breath
persistent pain or pressure in the chest
new confusion or inability to arouse
bluish lips or fax