Urinary Incontinence
What causes urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. There are several types of urinary incontinence. One of the most common is stress urinary incontinence. This is the type of leakage that occurs with sneezing, coughing, jumping, lifting, or sometimes with just movement. It is usually causes by changes that occur after childbirth, weight gain, and/or aging and falling hormone levels (menopause). Stress incontinence may be treated with several modalities - both non-surgical AND surgical, but a pelvic and bladder exam is needed to determine what options may be best.
Urge incontinence is another type of incontinence. This is the involuntary loss of urine when a person has the urge to urinate but has not yet made it to the actual restroom. Dietary changes and non-surgical options are usually best for this type of incontinence. One modality we offer in the office is MonaLisa Touch. Learn more here.

Pelvic Floor Muscles
What treatments are available?
Several different treatment options are available including Kegel exercises with or without vaginal weights, biofeedback, home devices (Apex or InTone), hormone optimization, vaginal lasers such as the MonaLisa Touch, non-invasive options such as the Emsella chair, and surgery. Ask your doctor or healthcare provider which option(s) may be best for you!